1. uav-play(1)
  2. uav-play Manual
  3. uav-play(1)


uav-play - Push and play a media on UPnP-AV Renderer(s)


uav-play [-p port] [-i interface] [-t timeout] [-s] [-r renderer] [-H file] [-D file] [-d]


uav-play is a kind of control-point in command line for shell-scripting purpose.

Two modes are proposed:

By providing a media file to host (option -H), uav-play acts as a small web server for this file, computes an almost DLNA-conformant DIDL-Lite xml with metadata about the media, then asks discovered renderers to play it.

By providing a DIDL-Lite xml file (option -D) describing a media hosted somewhere on the net, uav-play asks discovered renderers to play it.

Mixed mode: host a media file, but provide your own DIDL-Lite xml description.

Note that if you do not use -H or -D then uav-play expects a DIDL-Lite xml on standard input.


-p, --port=PORT
Network port to use for UPnP
-i, --interface=INTERFACE
The network interface to use for UPnP communication
-t, --timeout=TIMEOUT
Timeout in seconds to discover MediaRenderers
-s, --strict
Strict timeout (otherwise wait media duration + timeout)
-r, --renderer=RENDERER
UDN of the MediaRenderer to search (default: all)
-H, --hosted_file=FILE
Media file to host
-D, --didl_file=FILE
DIDL-Lite xml file describing a media
-d, --dump_didl
Dump DIDL-Lite description computed on the hosted file


$ uav-play -i wlan0 -H image.jpg

Looks for renderers on the wlan0 interface and asks them to play image.jpg

$ uav-play -r uuid:384fe2ed-0c0f-4c78-8481-4b5c77dd0f01 -D didl-example.xml

Retreives the rederer designed by this uuid and asks it to play media described by didl-example.xml


uav-play cannot host media files larger than 2Gb on 32 bits systems.


Christophe Lohr <clohr_at_users.sourceforge.net>


gupnp-av-cp(1), gupnp-dlna-info(1), gupnp-upload(1), Rygel(1), Korva(1), dLeyna(1)

  1. uav-play 0.1
  2. 2016-03-18
  3. uav-play(1)